strtr ($str, $from, $to)/strtr ($str, $array)
1.使用strtr ($str, $from, $to)格式:
其中$from和$to要有对应关系,例如$from = "abc",$to = "def",则替换规则是:将$str中的a替换为d,b替换为e,c替换为f。,如果$from和$to长度不一样,即无法一一对应,此时以长度短的为准。在这种格式下使用中文会出现乱码。
2.使用strtr ($str, $array)格式:
$array:必需,数组,其中的键名是更改的原始字符,键值是更改的目标字符。例如$array = array("abc"=>"def"),此时,会将$str中的abc字符串替换为def,这种情况下是将字符串替换为字符串,不再是一一对应的字符替换,因此可以将字符串替换为中文。
* strtr ($str, $from, $to)/strtr ($str, $array)
* **/
$str = "hello i am PHP!";
echo strtr($str, "hl", "HL");
echo "<br>";
echo strtr($str, array('hello'=>'大家好'));
HeLLo i am PHP!
大家好 i am PHP!
3.PHP 版本:4+。
* Translate characters or replace substrings
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtr.php
* @param str string <p>
* The string being translated.
* </p>
* @param from string <p>
* The string being translated to to.
* </p>
* @param to string <p>
* The string replacing from.
* </p>
* @return string the translated string.
* </p>
* <p>
* If replace_pairs contains a key which
* is an empty string (""),
* false will be returned. If the str is not a scalar
* then it is not typecasted into a string, instead a warning is raised and
* &null; is returned.
转载请注明出处:php1234.cn ,原文地址:http://www.php1234.cn/a/functions/2016/0922/74.html