substr_compare ($main_str, $str, $offset, $length = null, $case_insensitivity = null)
$offset:必需,在 $main_str 中的何处开始比较。如果为负数,则从字符串末端开始计数。
$length:可选,对 $str 中的多少字符进行比较(字符数)。
FALSE - 默认。区分大小写
TRUE - 不区分大小写
* substr_compare ($main_str, $str, $offset, $length = null, $case_insensitivity = null)
* **/
$main_str = "Hello i am PHP1234.CN";
echo substr_compare($main_str, "php1234", 11);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_compare($main_str, "php1234", 11,7,true);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_compare($main_str, "php1234", -10,7,true);
0 - 如果两字符串相等
<0 - 如果 $main_str(从开始位置 $offset)小于 $str
>0 - 如果 $main_str(从开始位置 $offset)大于 $str
如果 length 大于或等于 $main_str 的长度,则该函数返回 FALSE。
3.PHP 版本:5+。
4.更新日志:自 PHP 5.1 起,允许使用负数的 startpos。
* Binary safe comparison of two strings from an offset, up to length characters
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.substr-compare.php
* @param main_str string <p>
* The main string being compared.
* </p>
* @param str string <p>
* The secondary string being compared.
* </p>
* @param offset int <p>
* The start position for the comparison. If negative, it starts counting
* from the end of the string.
* </p>
* @param length int[optional] <p>
* The length of the comparison. The default value is the largest of the
* length of the str compared to the length of
* main_str less the
* offset.
* </p>
* @param case_insensitivity bool[optional] <p>
* If case_insensitivity is true, comparison is
* case insensitive.
* </p>
* @return int < 0 if main_str from position
* offset is less than str, >
* 0 if it is greater than str, and 0 if they are equal.
* If offset is equal to or greater than the length of
* main_str or length is set and
* is less than 1, substr_compare prints a warning and returns
* false.
转载请注明出处:php1234.cn ,原文地址:http://www.php1234.cn/a/functions/2016/1130/143.html