count ($array_or_countable, $mode = null)
参数 描述 $array_or_countable 必需。规定数组。 $mode 可选。规定模式。可能的值:
- 0 - 默认。不对多维数组中的所有元素进行计数
- 1 - 递归地计数数组中元素的数目(计算多维数组中的所有元素)
<?php /** * count ($array_or_countable, $mode = null) * **/ $array_or_countable = array('site_name'=>'PHP1234','site_url'=>'php1234.cn','site_auth'=>'明礼馨德','ext'=>array(1,2,3)); echo count($array_or_countable); echo '<br>'; echo count($array_or_countable,1); echo '<br>'; //一般情况下可以通过下面方式判断一个数组是不是一维数组 if(count($array_or_countable) == count($array_or_countable,1)){ echo '是一维数组'; }else{ echo '不是一维数组'; } ?>
4 7 不是一维数组
1.count() 函数计算数组中的单元数目或对象中的属性个数。 2.对于数组,返回其元素的个数,对于其他值,返回 1。如果参数是变量而变量没有定义,则返回 0。 3.如果 mode 被设置为 COUNT_RECURSIVE(或 1),则会递归底计算多维数组中的数组的元素个数。 4.PHP 版本:4+。 5.更新日志:mode 参数是在 PHP 4.2 中新增的。
/** * Count all elements in an array, or something in an object * @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.count.php * @param array_or_countable mixed <p> * An array or Countable object. * </p> * @param mode int[optional] <p> * If the optional mode parameter is set to * COUNT_RECURSIVE (or 1), count * will recursively count the array. This is particularly useful for * counting all the elements of a multidimensional array. * </p> * <p> * count can detect recursion to avoid an infinite * loop, but will emit an E_WARNING every time it * does (in case the array contains itself more than once) and return a * count higher than may be expected. * </p> * @return int the number of elements in array_or_countable. * If the parameter is not an array or not an object with * implemented Countable interface, * 1 will be returned. * There is one exception, if array_or_countable is &null;, * 0 will be returned. * </p> * <p> * count may return 0 for a variable that isn't set, * but it may also return 0 for a variable that has been initialized with an * empty array. Use isset to test if a variable is set. */
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