each (array &$array)
* each (array &$array)
* **/
$array = array('site_name'=>'PHP1234','site_url'=>'php1234.cn','site_auth'=>'明礼馨德');
echo '<br>';
array(4) { [1]=> string(7) "PHP1234" ["value"]=> string(7) "PHP1234" [0]=> string(9) "site_name" ["key"]=> string(9) "site_name" }
array(4) { [1]=> string(10) "php1234.cn" ["value"]=> string(10) "php1234.cn" [0]=> string(8) "site_url" ["key"]=> string(8) "site_url" }
1.该元素的键名和键值会被返回带有四个元素的数组中。两个元素(1 和 Value)包含键值,两个元素(0 和 Key)包含键名。
2.如果内部指针越过了数组范围,本函数将返回 FALSE。
3.PHP 版本:4+。
* Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor
* @link http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.each.php
* @param array array <p>
* The input array.
* </p>
* @return array the current key and value pair from the array
* array. This pair is returned in a four-element
* array, with the keys 0, 1,
* key, and value. Elements
* 0 and key contain the key name of
* the array element, and 1 and value
* contain the data.
* </p>
* <p>
* If the internal pointer for the array points past the end of the
* array contents, each returns
* false.
转载请注明出处:php1234.cn ,原文地址:http://www.php1234.cn/a/functions/2017/0413/214.html